There are a lot of reasons why you may be interested in our Domestic Electrical Installer training and assessment package. One of them may simply be the fact that you already work in a related trade such as heating installation, kitchen and bathroom fitting or construction, and wish to upgrade your expertise in the field of domestic electrical installation.
We also receive enquiries about this 10-day course from those whose LOGIC Certification Defined or Full Scope Part P certificate has or is about to expire, in which case, it is recommended for the purposes of their Continuous Professional Development (CPD) that they enrol on this course.
How, though, can you be sure that this DEI package will cover all of the ground needed to give you a confident understanding of how a domestic electrical installation works – including all of the areas that have been updated or altered since BS7671:2018 the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations was introduced?
The simple answer to this is that the course represents nothing less than a highly comprehensive Domestic Electrical Installer training and assessment package, embracing both practical and theory elements. Indeed, the final certificate that you will receive is an industry-recognised qualification that remains valid for five years, making it a well worthwhile investment in your career.
The most thorough training and assessment for prospective domestic electrical installers
This DEI course will assess you using a variety of methods, encompassing not only observed practical tasks, but also multiple choice, short written response and scenario questions.
However, it may well be the sheer breadth of areas covered by this Domestic Electrical Installer training and assessment package that best demonstrates why so many people attend the course.
With such areas as component exchange, applicable building regulations, electrical safety legislation, electrical test procedures, high protective conductors and more covered over the 10 days, there’s no reason for you to look elsewhere for a DEI course.
When you consider this far-reaching coverage alongside such other aspects of our course as the very large electrical training bays that we provide and the fact that we limit each course to four students, you should soon sense why we have such a strong reputation for the highest-quality tuition.
Call the YTA team now on 01274 682199, and we can answer any lingering questions that you may have about the suitability of this highly rated Domestic Electrical Installer training and assessment package for your most specific needs.