A selection of photos taken around the training centre over the past 10 days or so of January. Every course ran in January, Bricklaying, tiling, plastering, carpentry & joinery, kitchen fitting and plumbing.
Photos from January courses.
By Graham Binns
By Graham Binns
Over the past few months we have been working hard to bring an industry recognised electrical qualification course to YTA and we are now proud to offer the Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate!
The domestic electrical installer course is taught over 10 days (Monday to Friday) and will cover a mixture of theory and practical work. We really wanted to get as much practical work into the course as possible, so we have decided to run the course over 10 days! The first course is set to run on Monday 18th March 2019 and we are offering a 20% discount to any previous YTA students, thats a whopping £240 saving! ONLY 4 PLACES AVAILABLE SO BE QUICK
The first course will only have 4 students on and yes, you might have to bear with us and have an extra brew sometimes whilst we set up the next task as this will be our first course of many! We have pursued the domestic electrical installer course due to demand form YTA students, so here it is, we think this course is going to be very popular! Get yourself booked on and get an industry recognised electrical qualification.
For more information please visit the link HERE to the 10 day domestic electrical installer course page.
If you would like to book you can book online or call the centre on 01274682199
By Graham Binns
5 star reviews for YTA just keep coming in! We absolutely love reading your reviews following the courses, please keep sending them in to us. Below we have 2 lovely reviews from recent students after completing a few courses with us.
Mark Readymartcher – completed 10 day plumbing course and 5 day kitchen fitting course = 5 star review!
Anonymous – 1 day plumbing course = 5 star review!
At YTA we are very proud of the hundreds of consistent excellent reviews we receive every month from all our courses. If you are looking for a reputable construction training centre to deliver a variety of trades from plumbing courses to plastering courses then you will not be disappointed with YTA. Why not pop in for a brew and we can show you how we do things and have a chat about a suitable course for yourself!
Alternatively call the office on 01274682199
By Graham Binns
A lovely review from Mark who is still undergoing courses at the centre this week.
Just completed a 10 day Level 1 Plumbing course. So glad I decided to go to YTA. Lyndon was a great tutor and can’t thank him enough. If you want to learn plumbing then this is the place to go. There is a very friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Already looking forward to the Kitchen Fitting next week and because I booked 3 weeks of courses I have a 1 week course for free!!. Thank you all at YTA
The plumbing courses run every week at YTA with no more than 6 students per course. All courses are taught in a friendly relaxed atmosphere. To book a course we require a deposit that can be placed over the phone by calling the office on 01274682199.
YTA is situated in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
By Graham Binns
Its been a busy start to the year on all courses for 2019! We have had tiling, plastering, carpentry & joinery, plumbing and kitchen fitting running. Here’s a small selection of photos taken around the centre this past couple of weeks.
By Graham Binns
We’ve had a couple more excellent 5 star reviews left for our tiling, plumbing and kitchen fitting courses completed over the past few weeks. Please see the reviews below:
Daniel Doran has left a 5 star review after completing a few courses at YTA. This year he has completed the 5 day kitchen fitting course, 5 day intensive tiling course and 5 day intensive plumbing course. What is also lovely to hear is he has gone on to complete these jobs in is home saving him a few thousand pounds.
Jeff Farrow completed our 5 day intensive plumbing course and since completing he has already started work and already sent out his first invoice! He goes on to say he will be returning to YTA Training and Assessment for further training in the new year. We look forward to welcoming you back.
If you are considering learning a trade or adding to your existing skills then YTA offer a range of construction courses all taught by experienced ex-tradesmen in a friendly professional environment with small class sizes. To book a course you can either book online or call the centre on 01274682199. YTA is situated in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
• YTA is the UK’s premier training centre for construction training and assessment backed up by outstanding independent customer reviews on www.reveiws.co.uk (5 out of 5!)
• Small class sizes
• Intensive practical ‘hands on’ courses
• NOCN Cskills approved centre for level 1 training based qualifications and NVQ level 2 & level 3’s
• Established construction training provider since 2006
• Multi-skill trade centre for all your training needs
• Experienced & qualified trainers and assessors
YTA is an approved training provider and has accreditation to offer nationally recognised qualifications on behalf of NOCN Cskills (Construction Skills) formally CITB (Construction Industry Training Board)
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